Vice-Chairman Message

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By the grace of almighty Allah, first of all I would like to welcome you all to the Udayan Dental College & Hospital – one of the pioneer dental education programs in the country particularly in the northern Bangladesh. As a vibrant College, every day represents growth, change and a level of excitement that is palpable from the moment you set foot on campus. We continue to shape the college with a vision and mission embraced by our experienced faculty and staff. Our education is focused on contemporary dental practice delivery by compassionate, well-prepared professionals, who communicate effectively with patients and the entire healthcare team.

Our curriculum promotes learning through utilization of the best educational approaches and sound teaching principles as per the norms of the Government of Bangladesh. We continually seek ways to provide seamless transitions from the classroom (both virtual and real) to our digital care of dental education and finally to practice in the community.

When you review our mission and vision statements, you will discover that we have lofty aspirations. Those aspirations, combined with a solid strategic plan, are helping us realize our goal of becoming a premier dental education program. We are already making significant progress toward becoming a full-scope dental academic institution; providing a solid education, developing lines of research and providing patient care in a unique, caring and progressive environment.

Finally, I thank all of you for your anticipation.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Muyeed
Vice-Chairman (Honorary)
Udayan Dental College & Hospital