Dental Surgeons play a vital role in maintenance of Oral & Dental health. There is a great scarcity of Dental Surgeons in our country. In a country having more than 160 million population, there are about 3000 dental surgeons only. There is only 1 Dental college, in Dhaka and 2 dental units- in Rajshahi & Chittagong. Of the some private Dental Colleges, few have not yet started producing Dental Surgeons. The ratio of Dental Surgeons to population is 1 in 50,000 and is one of the lowest in the whole world. This is an alarming situation and needs to be looked into for improvement at the earliest.
Needless to say that Dental health care senses has been increased a lot among the whole population of the country. There has been tremendous development of knowledge & technology of Dental medical science, but because of lack of qualified Dental Surgeons, a larger majority of our people are being deprived of this modern & quality dental treatment. They are being treated by dental technologists or by so- called ‘unpassed technicians’, who do not know the actual treatment and in almost all cases, instead of giving proper conservative treatment, extract the teeth unnecessarily. They also do not have any knowledge and as such do not take necessary preventive measures and thus help dissemination of many infectious diseases including Sub-acute bacterial endocarditis, Cavernous sinus thrombosis and Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C & HIV infections.
Each year more than 10,000 candidates seek admission for 205 seats into B.D.S. courses in government Dental College & Dental Units. Until now out of 11 approved private Dental Colleges, 8 have been set up in Dhaka alone. With a view to help the left out aspirants, to build up their career in dentistry and a large number of Dental patients to receive their treatments in their own divisional town RAJSHAHI, “Udayan Dental College & Hospital” has been set up in Rajshahi.